What in the world are we doing here?
Many, many moons ago, I had a dream. I dreamt of living in nature. I dreamt of raising my family there. Then I found a partner and they had the same dream! So we are finally here, after many years of planning, and researching and searching, and some more searching… it feels like we have found the perfect place! This is the perfect place for all our goals and aspirations to be realised. We are definitely feeling like luck is on our side and stoked that our efforts are seeing their fruition. Personal goals, family goals, career goals, life goals and community goals – we are kicking goals!!
Our little property is set in a valley in between a National Park and State Forest. The property is covered in dry eucalyptus forest and has a seasonal creek running through it. The forest is filled with what our novice eyes see as Ironbark, Carbeen Gum, Lemon-Scented Gum, Sand-Paper Fig and Black Wattle.